Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes

For teachers who did not know how to teach Rosemary and the four Gutsy Gnomes. You can try these activities because I have been doing these activities for three years and counting. The students love it.
Lesson 1
Focus : Reading

  1. Teacher assigns students into group of 5.
  2. The groups will discuss which chapter they want to do. Pupils need to refer to textbook.
  3. The group members will choose their characters base on the chapter they chosen.                           - if there is not enough characters they can add more base on their imaginations and logic
  4. Discuss the story line and costumes.
Lesson 2
Focus : Writing

  1. Pupils create dialogues for their part.
  2. Each member need to have their own dialogue.
  3. Everyone need to take part.
  4. One pupil will write the dialogues.
  5. The groups will discuss their work with the teacher.
  6. Pupils copy the group's dialogue in the writing book.
Lesson 3
Costumes and Practice
Focus : Language Arts

  1. Pupils create costumes and props in their groups.
  2. Pupils practice their dialogues and acting.
  3. Teacher gives encouraging advice. Let the pupils use their own imaginations.
Lesson 4
Focus : Listening and Speaking & Language Arts
  1. Pupils do quick rehearsal.
  2. Pupils perform their parts in group: group work.
  3. Teacher records the performance.
  4. Pupils comment their performance and their friends too.
  5. Pupils talk about their experience.


4 Cemerlang students of 2019
The students are divided into 5 groups.
Each groups choose a chapter to perform.

4 Cemerlang students of 2017
The students are divided into 5 groups.
Each groups choose a chapter to perform.

Monday, 30 March 2020

English Exam Paper Comprehension Paper 2 Year 5

English Exam Paper Comprehension Paper 2 Year 5
Dear students,
Link for the Answer is below

CORRECTION: question 19(B)


 Pupils need to complete this task for their final project. The assignment consist on 6 questions and the pupil need to choose their favorit...